- How I Hacked Amazon’s \$5 WiFi Button to track Baby Data
- Intel just open sourced Stephen Hawking’s speech system and it’s a .NET 4.5 WinForms app that you can try for yourself
- Netflix Releases Falcor Developer Preview
- If we stand still, we go backwards
- Sharp Regrets: Top 10 Worst C# Features
- How "oldschool" graphics worked
Sarah Sexton
Sarah Sexton is a technical evangelist that works for Microsoft. She engages with user groups and developers to help them find success building on Microsoft and Windows platforms. Her main technical focus is video games and web development.
- Build and run anode.js app on Azure
- Node.js Tools for Visual Studio
- Chat Application
Azure pick of the week
-Announcing Windows Server 2016 Containers Preview
App of the Week
Dev Tip of the Week
- 7-zip added a CRC/Hash context menu.
- Markdown Preview in VS Code editor