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Rimma Nehme
Rimma is a GPM in Azure Cosmos DB. Previously an architect in Azure Cosmos DB and the open-source software analytics team at Microsoft. She also jump started Polybase technology and shipped it in SQL DW, SQL Server PDW, and SQL Server 2016. She's also a PHD in computer science from Purdue, and has an MBA from the university of Chicago.
- Cosmos DB
- Azure Cosmos DB Documentation
- Welcome to Cosmos Db
- Cosmos DB Pricing
- Project Florence
- Cosmos DB and Blob (Hot/Cool) Storage
- Tunable data consistency levels in Azure Cosmos DB
- Cosmos DB Local Emulator
- Cosmos DB video
- A technical overview of Cosmos DB.
- Cosmos DB flyer
- Interview with Leslie Lamport describing Cosmos DB and application of TLA+ for precisely specifying the consistency models
- How Cosmos DB is globally distribute data across all regions
- Comprehensive SLAs page
- Cosmos DB Announcement
- RU/minute announcement and documentation
Dev Tips of the Week
- Chrome browser reload options
- VS Code, if you add a cursor you didn't mean to, Ctrl+U removes the last one
- To set multicursor:
- Ctrl + Alt + Arrow
- Alt + Click
- To set multicursor: